Simple Tips for Network Sanity: Patch Tuesday, Exploit Wednesday and Uninstall Thursday

Today I’d like to talk a little bit about our partnership with Microsoft and patch management. In a previous life I was a network/sysadmin. A brief description of that role was “If it has a […]

Three Ways to Protect Your Business Against Ransomware-as-a-Service

Last week I was at one of our sales offices in Utah. I heard an interesting story about how a dentist office called in to ask for threat prevention against ransomware. The dentist office had […]

Retail Networks at the Forefront – Have a Plan and Check Out SonicWall at NRF Retail’s the BIG Show

The data is still coming in, but it’s looking like consumer spending this holiday season will once again outperform previous years. Multiple research firms including the National Retail Federation (NRF) are predicting a growth in […]

Scale Out Network Security So You Don’t Have to Scale Down Business

In most organizations, the same issue is being felt – how can network security be increased without lowering performance within a budget? How much risk is acceptable? If your organization is not facing this issue, […]

Three Tough Questions You Must Ask About HTTPS to Avoid Cyber Attacks

Preventing your organization from being the victim of an inevitable cyber-attack is paramount so it is important for us to kick off this blog with an important risk question. Do you know whether or not […]

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