Recognizing Outstanding Partner and Distributor Performance in 2022

SonicWall’s 2022 was truly exceptional with historic business growth. At the core of our successes are the key contributions from our partner community and distributors around the globe. They have done the extra work to help SonicWall achieve another phenomenal year. This dedicated group has worked tirelessly to safeguard our customers using SonicWall solutions to combat cybercrime and hold back multitudes of emerging threats. They have delivered SonicWall cybersecurity expertise, innovation and their own magic with unsurpassed customer service.

Among this accomplished group, there are many standouts. We have selected one partner per region from a large pool of nominees for each of these 15 awards. We made these selections based on factors like annual turnover, breadth of product portfolio, project success rate and excellent teamwork.

Award criteria and categories

SonicWall’s success relies on delivering highly efficient security solutions through its valued distributors and partners. It’s a delight to recognize these outstanding SonicWall SecureFirst Partners who offer world-class security services for organizations of all sizes. We are grateful for their loyalty, and this is our way of recognizing their outstanding work as the 2023 SonicWall Award Winners in the following categories:

  • Distributor of the Year
  • Partner of the Year (Silver, Gold, Platinum, DMR, NSP)
  • MSSP Partner of the Year
  • Enterprise Partner of the Year
  • Newcomer of the Year
  • Project of the Year
  • Public Sector Partner of the Year
  • Partner Sales Hero of the Year
  • Partner Technical Hero of the Year
  • Authorized Training Partner of the Year EMEA
  • EMEA Distributor of the Year

SonicWall extends its highest congratulations to all award winners and all partners. You have our sincere appreciation and deepest thanks for your exceptional work in 2022. We will make 2023 even better together!

“From our early days, SonicWall’s accomplishments have always been linked to the success of its esteemed partners and distributors,” said SonicWall CEO and President Bob VanKirk. “We are delighted to acknowledge our SonicWall SecureFirst partners who consistently deliver first-class security services to organizations of all sizes. We are extremely grateful and humbled by our global network of over 17,000 partners and distributors, and these awards recognize their outstanding work.”

We are pleased to announce the 2023 SonicWall Partner Award winners in the following categories:


United Kingdom



Eastern Europe







Netherlands & Belgium

India & SAARC


Greater China Region

Australia & New Zealand








Middle East


Find out how you can join our partner network and learn more about the SonicWall SecureFirst Partner Program. For all details, click here.

Third-Party ICSA Testing – Perfect Score Number 4

SonicWall Capture ATP with RTDMI identified all malicious samples with no false positives — four times in a row.

As those in the cybersecurity industry know, ICSA doesn’t grade on a curve: testing rounds with no perfect scores are common, and the standards are both objective and unforgiving. It’s highly unusual for any vendor solution to identify 100% of malicious threats without flagging a single benign sample.

So when SonicWall’s Capture Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) with patented Real-Time Deep Memory Inspection (RTDMI)™ did just that in Q1 2021, it was quite the accomplishment.

Then we did the same thing in Q2, Q3 and Q4, becoming the first cybersecurity vendor in history to earn four consecutive perfect scores in Standard ICSA Labs Advanced Threat Defense (ATD) testing.

How ICSA Testing Works

Standard ICSA Labs Advanced Threat Defense (ATD) testing is designed with vendor solutions in mind, and helps determine new threats traditional security products do not detect. Eligible security vendors are tested quarterly for a minimum of three weeks. During that time, the ICSA Labs subjects advanced threat defense solutions to hundreds of test runs. The test set is comprised of a mixture of new threats, little-known threats and innocuous applications and activities.

Q4 2021’s testing cycle was particularly rigorous. Over 32 days of continuous testing, a SonicWall NSa 3600 NGFW with Capture ATP was subjected to 1,625 total test runs. During this time, SonicWall Capture ATP detected all 801 of the malicious samples, including the 432 threats that were four hours old or less. The testing also included 824 innocuous apps — none of which were improperly categorized as malicious by Capture ATP.

As a result, SonicWall received the highest ranking in this category, concluding a full year of perfect scores and eight consecutive ICSA certifications for SonicWall Capture ATP.

Capture ATP: Superior Threat Detection

Third-party testing cycles like these become even more important as cyberattacks become increasingly sophisticated and stealthy. The introduction of state-sponsored attacks in particular has changed the game, and what used to be no more than a hobby or a source of secondary income has turned into a full-time job. As a result, we are seeing a slew of complex and refined never-before-seen attacks that are capable of passing through the defenses of many organizations.

This highlights two tenets of modern cybersecurity:  the importance of sandboxing technology for a security vendor and the fact that not all technologies are created equally.

SonicWall Capture ATP — a cloud-based service available with SonicWall firewalls — detects and can block advanced threats at the gateway until verdict. This service is the only advanced threat-detection offering that combines multi-layer sandboxing (including SonicWall’s RTDMI™ technology), full-system emulation and virtualization techniques in order to analyze suspicious code behavior.

A graph showing the results of malware variants found by SonicWall Capture ATP

This combination allows Capture ATP to detect more threats than single-engine sandbox solutions, which are compute-environment specific and susceptible to evasion. And because it incorporates AI and machine learning technologies, it’s constantly becoming more effective.

For example, 141,390 never-before-seen malware variants were recorded in Q4 2021 — more than any quarter on record. A total of 442,151 total never-before-seen malware variants was identified in 2021, a 65% increase over 2020’s count and an average of 1,211 per day.

The full ICSA Labs report can be downloaded here. To learn more about SonicWall Capture ATP with RTDMI, visit our website.


Shields Up: Preparing for Cyberattacks During Ukraine Crisis

SonicWall provides real-time protection against HermeticWiper malware and Conti ransomware expected during escalating conflict in Ukraine.

With the recent escalation of events in Ukraine and the resulting sanctions imposed by various Western administrations, there is a dramatically heightened risk of cyberattacks on organizations in the United States, Europe and elsewhere.

State-sponsored threat actors and other cybercriminals will be actively targeting the U.S. and other businesses in an attempt to interfere with their operations, steal or destroy data, and damage infrastructure.

Your organization needs to have a heightened sense of awareness and security during this crisis.

In January 2022, the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued Alert (AA22-011A): Understanding and Mitigating Russian State-Sponsored Cyber Threats to U.S. Critical Infrastructure. CISA also began urging U.S. organizations to prepare for data-wiping malware attacks (more below).

At that time, the “Ukraine Cyber Police say they are investigating the use of Log4j vulnerabilities and stolen credentials as another means of access to the networks and servers,” according to Bleeping Computer.

On Feb. 18, CISA shared that the New Zealand National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC-NZ) released a General Security Advisory (GSA) on preparing for cyber threats relating to tensions between Russia and Ukraine.

CISA: Time to ‘Shield Up’

It is critical that you take preemptive measures in anticipation of a surge in cyberattacks targeting your business or organization. CISA has published ‘Shield Up,” which is helpful guidance for organizations of all sizes and their leaders. Some of the steps detailed by CISA include:

  • Reduce the likelihood of a damaging cyber intrusion.
  • Take steps to detect a potential intrusion quickly.
  • Ensure your organization is prepared to respond if an intrusion occurs.
  • Maximize your organization’s resilience to a destructive cyber incident.

Other important steps can make a big difference in deterring and/or detecting attacks, such as setting robust inbound policies on your network perimeter (e.g., preemptively blocking connections or sign-ins originating from Russia or other risky nations) and otherwise taking a highly cautious approach to all inbound traffic, even if it means trading off some performance for security.

SonicWall strongly urges that your organization be in touch with your internal and external cybersecurity professionals and resources to ensure that you are as prepared as you can be for the inevitable increase in cyberattacks.

SonicWall also stresses the importance of layered defenses, like IPS, email security, two-factor authentication and real-time sandboxing, such as Capture ATP with RTDMI. With a defense-in-depth strategy in place, your organization will be better prepared to detect the impact of a zero-day attack or other targeted threats.

SonicWall Protections Against Notable Cyberattacks

Zero-day attacks are becoming a common threat. While they may exploit previously unknown weaknesses, defenders have the advantage of being able to detect anomalous activity in real time, and contain and recover before destructive zero-days disrupt your business or organizations.

SonicWall actively protects organizations from cyberattack types known or feared to be used during the Ukraine-Russia conflict.

HeremticWiper Malware

SonicWall helps organizations proactively defend against emerging threats like HermeticWiper. For instance, SonicWall Capture ATP, with RTDMI, detected HeremticWiper as documented in our SonicAlert, “HermeticWiper Data-Wiping Malware Targeting Ukrainian Organizations.”

HeremticWiper Malware Signature Protection

  • GAV: HermeticWiper.A (Trojan)
  • GAV: HermeticWiper.A_1 (Trojan)

Conti Ransomware

The Conti ransomware gang publicly announced that they would attack any organization that launched a cyberattack against Russian infrastructure. As such, it’s important organizations have protection against Conti ransomware. Both SonicWall Capture ATP with RTDMI and active SonicWall firewall with current signatures are protected from Conti ransomware.

Conti Ransomware Signature Protection

  • GAV: Conti.RSM (Trojan)
  • GAV: Conti.RSM_2 (Trojan)
  • GAV: Conti.RSM_3 (Trojan)
  • GAV: Conti.RSM_4 (Trojan)
  • GAV: Conti.RSM_5 (Trojan)
  • GAV: Conti.RSM_6 (Trojan)

PartyTicket Ransomware

Believed to be deployed in conjunction with the aforementioned data-wiping HeremticWiper malware, SonicWall Capture Labs analyzed the PartyTicket ransomware in the SonicAlert, “A Look at PartyTicket Ransomware Targeting Ukrainian Systems.” The ransomware arrives as an executable Windows file, but overall appears to be unsophisticated ransomware created quickly to take advantage of the current climate.

SonicWall customers are protected from the PartyTicket ransomware variant via the below signature, as well as by real-time Capture ATP with RTDMI and Capture Client endpoint protection.

PartyTicket Ransomware Signature Protection

  • GAV: PartyTicket.RSM (Trojan)

For additional information, please visit or the SonicWall Capture Labs Portal. You may also join discussions on the SonicWall Community.

Don’t Let Global Supply Chain Issues Impact Your Security

Switch to SonicWall and secure your environment today without supply chain delays.

Every so often, we get clear examples of why it pays to be prepared. But, as the pandemic continues to impact the global workforce, it also reveals how interconnected and fragile the global supply chain can be.

A recent survey found that 75% of companies have had negative or strongly negative impacts on their businesses due to disruption from the COVID-19 pandemic. Especially vulnerable and consequential in this tale has been the computer chips shortage and its effect on security vendors. Many firms do not have the product in their inventory to meet their customers’ demands. To remedy these problems, vendors are trying many approaches, ranging from delaying upgrades, upselling more expensive products, cutting functionalities to outright EOL-ing (End-Of-Life) some products.

In the pantheon of cybersecurity, such delays can be catastrophic. As ransomware gangs roam global networks seemingly unopposed, shortages and supply disruptions impose a full range of unpleasant experiences, from uncertainty to total disruption of their network security expansion plans. The situation is increasingly problematic as delays expose networks to unnecessary risk as attackers take advantage of known and fixable gaps in security. Network managers understand, but who can blame them for seeking out more reliable sources?

Not all Security Vendors Are Impacted Equally by Shortages

The fact is, not all security vendors are impacted at the same level. Some had the foresight to manage the situation mitigating the risk and effect of global shortages and delays. For SonicWall, we got busy working diligently to minimize disruptions and maintain a robust product supply. At the earliest signs of shortages, we started working with our partners to strategically manage our supply positions. Collaborating diligently with our suppliers, we identified crucial parts and increased our supply in anticipation of a strong rebound. As a result, SonicWall is fulfilling 95% of orders within three days of receiving them.

Benjamin Franklin wrote, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” We’ve taken that adage to heart by working closely with our suppliers to identify shortages in the supply chain and redesigned our solutions to take advantage of more readily available parts without sacrificing the quality or durability of our products. These preparatory efforts were well worth it, given the severity of the chip shortage that persists. Having successfully met global challenges in the supply chain allows us to respond to our customer needs more readily with the solutions they need.

The Rewards of Being Prepared

By being prepared, we acted on our customer’s behalf. The reward for all our work is a strong inventory of products, while many of our competitors struggle to fill theirs. If your current security vendor is giving you excuses and can’t offer you the solution you need in a timely manner, it is time to talk to SonicWall. We are ready to deliver the products you need and work with you to implement them now.

Contact Us for more information.

From Sonic Systems to SonicWall: 30 Years of Cybersecurity Evolution

This month marks 30 years since SonicWall’s founding in 1991. To celebrate, we’ll be spending the month of August spotlighting the history, people, products, partners and customers that have helped shape SonicWall over the past three decades and will continue to inspire us in the years ahead.

The SonicWall of today is internationally recognized as a leading cybersecurity company. But even among those in the industry, many aren’t aware that before there was SonicWall, there was a SonicWALL. But our story starts before even that — with two brothers in the Ethernet card business.

The Sonic Systems Years (1991-1995)

In the early 1990s, Sreekanth Ravi, who had previously owned a company that produced graphic expansion cards for Apple, saw an opportunity. The networking technology built into the Apple Macintosh product line at the time, LocalTalk, was very limited — and the Ethernet cards then available to expand these capabilities were prohibitively expensive.

Along with his brother, Sudhakar Ravi, he formed Sonic Systems (later to be called SonicWall) in 1991. The name Sonic Systems was chosen to evoke ideas of speed: the company was originally in the business of producing Ethernet cards to help transition the Apple Macintosh market from LocalTalk to the faster and more versatile Ethernet.

The new company’s first product, an Ethernet card for the NuBus and SE expansion slots, made its debut in the fall of 1991, and was so successful that by the following year, Apple OEMs were relying on Sonic Systems’ software to connect LocalTalk to Ethernet.

Building on these early wins, Sonic Systems soon expanded its product catalog to include Ethernet bridges, hubs, switches and more. But as Apple increasingly absorbed the functionality of these products into its systems, the market for aftermarket peripherals started to dry up. Sonic Systems diversified once again, shifting from peripherals to external appliances.

The Democratization of the Firewall (1996-1998)

But it wasn’t until 1996 that Sonic Systems began to consider branching out into firewalls. As the company grew, Sreehanth Ravi began looking for a firewall to safeguard Sonic Systems’ own internet connection. But to his dismay, he soon found that the firewalls available at the time, even the software-based ones, cost nearly $20,000. This was an enormous expense for a company that, at the time, had fewer than 40 employees and only minimal internet connectivity needs.

Once again sensing an opportunity, Sreekanth asked his brother to explore the feasibility of producing affordable NAT (Network Access Translation)/firewall appliances. That same year, the company released its final dedicated Macintosh offering, and its new mission became to provide firewall technology that was as affordable as it was effective.

In October 1997, Sonic Systems released the Interpol security appliance, which became a huge hit. But while the company’s focus on firewalls was permanent, the name Interpol was not: The following year, Sonic Systems rebranded the device as the “SonicWALL.”

Growth and Acquisition (1999-2015)

1999 brought many changes for Sonic Systems. Following in the footsteps of its most successful product, the company changed its own name to SonicWALL. That year also brought expansion into Europe and a successful initial public offering (IPO). SonicWALL executed a Secondary Public Offering, which raised additional funds, in March 2000.

This rapid advancement pace paid dividends — by 2002, the company had shipped its 250,000th unit — so SonicWALL kept it up. Recognizing that many SMBs wished to outsource their cybersecurity monitoring and management, SonicWALL introduced its Managed Security Services Provider program in 2005, kicking off a commitment to partnering with MSSPs that continues to this day.

Capping off a decade characterized by acquisitions — including enKoo, Aventail Corporation, Ignyte Technology, SecureCom and RedCreek — SonicWALL itself was acquired by Thoma Bravo in 2010, and again by Dell in 2012.

SonicWall Hits Its Stride (2016-Today)

2016 brought three important developments. That year, SonicWall was acquired by Francisco Partners, who rebranded the company as “SonicWall.” Cybersecurity and networking veteran Bill Conner was named SonicWall president and CEO, a position he has held ever since. And SonicWall’s SecureFirst partner program, designed to support, recognize and provide resources to SonicWall partners, also made its debut that year.

More big announcements would follow as the 2010s wound down, including the unveiling of the SonicWall Capture Cloud Platform, Real-Time Deep Memory Inspection (RTDMI™) technology, and Capture Security Center, all of which would further cement SonicWall as a leader in advanced threat protection.

These developments laid the groundwork for the arrival of SonicWall’s Boundless Cybersecurity platform in 2020. While the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic elevated the need for secure remote work, SonicWall had long anticipated this shift and was ready to meet it head on.

As a result, the Boundless Cybersecurity platform, two years in the making, was primed to help businesses quickly and securely meet their business continuity needs in a work reality where everyone is remote, mobile and unsecure. Designed to close the cybersecurity gap created by an increase in attack surface and a shortage of cybersecurity personnel, the Boundless Cybersecurity model allows businesses to know the unknown, provides real-time visibility and enables breakthrough economics.

Today, SonicWall has brought the vision of Boundless Cybersecurity to more than 500,000 customers in 215 countries, and, on the heels of a two-year refresh of its product portfolio, the company is ideally suited to continue helping businesses of all sizes face the ever-changing threat landscape.

“While the last five years were important chapters in this journey, we have more goals to achieve, milestones to mark and history to be made,” SonicWall President and CEO Bill Conner said. “SonicWall is always forward-looking. And that’s how the company — and its people — have been a mainstay in the industry for more than 30 years.”

La vostra rete ha bisogno di un buttafuori?

Finalmente avete deciso di aprire un cocktail bar. Trovate il miglior arredatore di interni, acquistate la migliore selezione di vini e liquori e assumete il miglior barman che riuscite a trovare. Nel giro di poco tempo tutti parlano del vostro cocktail bar, che diventa il locale più di tendenza della città.

Ma dopo un mese, il locale chiude. A quanto pare, la decisione di far entrare – o uscire – chiunque non è stata una buona idea.

Lo stesso vale per la cybersecurity. Immaginate cosa potrebbe accadere se la vostra azienda non fosse a conoscenza di un certo problema o non conformità interna. Purtroppo questo accade già molto spesso, in quanto l’ispezione del traffico crittografato non viene considerata una priorità da molte aziende.

Ma prima di tutto chiariamo cosa sono le minacce crittografate: in poche parole, l’SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) può creare un tunnel crittografato per proteggere i dati in una connessione internet. Il protocollo TLS (Transport Layer Security) è una versione più recente e più sicura dell’SSL.

Mentre TLS e SSL offrono evidenti vantaggi in termini di sicurezza per le sessioni web e le connessioni internet, i cybercriminali utilizzano sempre più spesso questi standard di crittografia per nascondere malware, ransomware, zero-day e altre minacce. Secondo alcune stime il 35% delle minacce attuali sono crittografate, e questa tendenza è in crescita (fonte: Gartner).

Purtroppo esiste un certo timore verso la complessità e una generale mancanza di consapevolezza sull’importanza di ispezionare a fondo il traffico SSL e TLS, in particolare con l’ispezione approfondita dei pacchetti (DPI), per rilevare attacchi informatici dannosi. Questo atteggiamento è particolarmente rischioso, perché i controlli di sicurezza tradizionali non hanno le capacità o la potenza di elaborazione per rilevare, ispezionare e mitigare i cyber attacchi sferrati attraverso il traffico HTTPS.

Nel caso del nostro cocktail bar teorico, la presenza di un buttafuori avrebbe fatto la differenza tra il continuare un’attività di successo e il dover chiudere a causa di un controllo insufficiente o inesistente del traffico. Allo stesso modo, visto il continuo aumento del numero di minacce crittografate, l’ispezione del traffico crittografato può fare la differenza tra il riconoscere e bloccare per tempo una minaccia e il dover rimediare ai danni subiti dopo un cyber attacco andato a buon fine.

Supponiamo ora che il vostro cocktail bar abbia un dress code. Indipendentemente dal codice di abbigliamento che decidete di adottare, senza un controllo all’ingresso non c’è modo di applicarlo. Inoltre, se nessuno si occupa del guardaroba, non si può mai sapere se sotto una giacca elegante un ospite indossa una maglia da calcio o una t-shirt con slogan offensivi.

L’interazione tra le soluzioni di filtraggio dei contenuti e il traffico crittografato funziona in modo simile. Con l’80-90% del traffico proveniente da connessioni crittografate con HTTPS, le soluzioni di filtraggio dei contenuti non sono in grado di fornire un’ispezione accurata (fonte: Rapporto sulla trasparenza di Google). Quando si tratta di identificare la pagina web di destinazione e di decidere come gestire potenziali minacce, queste soluzioni hanno un’efficienza limitata. E senza la capacità di vedere cosa succede sotto la superficie, aumenta il pericolo che le minacce passino inosservate.

In modo analogo, le soluzioni di sandboxing non sono particolarmente utili nel caso delle minacce crittografate. Se un cybercriminale riesce a stabilire una connessione crittografata con un endpoint, potrebbe essere in grado di trasferire anche file e malware di vario tipo. La maggior parte delle aziende utilizza un’unica soluzione di sandboxing che scansiona tutti i file e verifica che non siano dannosi prima di consentirne l’accesso.

Ma se la comunicazione è crittografata, la sandbox diventa inutile perché non è in grado di riconoscere i file trasmessi tra un CC e l’endpoint. La soluzione vede semplicemente che due indirizzi IP si scambiano traffico crittografato, ma non ha alcuna visibilità sul loro contenuto.

Nell’esempio del nostro buttafuori, sappiamo che è un professionista esperto. Si ricorda di tutti gli attaccabrighe degli ultimi 20 anni e li riconosce lontano un chilometro. Ma se alla porta non c’è nessuno in grado di riconoscere chi può essere un pericolo per se e per gli altri, queste persone possono entrare tranquillamente e nessuno se ne rende conto finché non sarà troppo tardi.

A volte il problema non riguarda solo chi entra nel locale (o nella rete), ma anche ciò che esce.  Molte soluzioni di sicurezza sono progettate per prevenire la perdita di dati, ma la crittografia ha la capacità di nascondere completamente i dati. In questo modo gli utenti malintenzionati (all’interno o all’esterno dell’azienda) possono rubare dati privati o riservati senza che nessuno se ne accorga e, una volta raccolti dati a sufficienza, spesso utilizzano un ransomware per ricattare l’azienda.

Purtroppo, i comuni gateway senza decrittografia disponibile/attivata non hanno alcuna visibilità su questo traffico. I rischi non si limitano a trojan, ransomware e malware: un’esfiltrazione di dati di questo tipo può anche mettere a rischio la conformità a normative come GDPR, HIPAA o PCI, esponendo l’azienda a multe severe.

Il vostro locale ha dovuto chiudere perché alcuni clienti sono stati sorpresi a uscire con dei drink o i dipendenti hanno trafugato alcune bottiglie? Si tratta di un’azione illegale non solo per loro, ma anche per voi. A volte le sanzioni per la mancanza di conformità, che si tratti di ordinanze locali per locali notturni o di normative di conformità nazionali per le grandi organizzazioni, possono mettere a rischio o addirittura portare alla chiusura delle aziende.

In entrambi i casi, la soluzione è la stessa: ci vuole un addetto alla sicurezza imperterrito, efficace e sufficientemente esperto da sapere chi lasciare entrare e chi no – il tutto con l’abilità necessaria per non creare code all’ingresso.

Per scoprire cosa vi serve per ispezionare il traffico crittografato della vostra azienda, registratevi al nuovo webinar di Mindhunter: “La vostra rete ha bisogno di un buttafuori?”, che si terrà il 23 aprile alle ore 14:00 CET

Punto di non ritorno: il nuovo rapporto di SonicWall registra un’impennata delle minacce e un cambio di paradigma storico

La cybersecurity è un settore dinamico in cui ogni anno compaiono nuovi vettori di attacco; gli obiettivi presi di mira cambiano e le tecniche del crimine informatico vengono perfezionate.

Ma pochi anni hanno portato ai cambiamenti che abbiamo visto nel 2020.

L’anno è stato segnato da due eventi storici: la pandemia di COVID-19 e l’attacco alla catena di fornitura di SolarWinds. Il primo evento ha causato una trasformazione così profonda da cambiare qualcosa di essenziale come il nostro modo di lavorare. Il secondo ha colpito al cuore il mondo dell’IT, innescando una reazione a catena che ha avuto ripercussioni su migliaia di aziende e rivelando un tipo di violazione che è praticamente immune a qualsiasi difesa esistente.

Nel frattempo i cybercriminali hanno perfezionato le loro tattiche, utilizzando strumenti basati sul cloud per portare le minacce a nuovi livelli. In molti casi le vittime sono proprio le persone meno attrezzate per contrastare i rischi: lavoratori da remoto non consapevoli dei rischi che esistono all’esterno del perimetro aziendale, strutture sanitarie in affanno, scuole e università impegnate nel passaggio alla didattica a distanza.

I ricercatori dei SonicWall Capture Labs hanno monitorato questi profondi cambiamenti in tempo reale e raccolto le loro informazioni nel Rapporto SonicWall 2021 sul Cybercrime. Ecco un’anticipazione di quello che hanno scoperto:

Il ransomware raggiunge un nuovo record

I prezzi record dei Bitcoin hanno favorito il vertiginoso aumento dei ransomware: SonicWall ha registrato un aumento dei tentativi di ransomware del 62% rispetto all’anno precedente.

Particolarmente preoccupante è stato il numero di tentativi basati su Ryuk, una nuova famiglia di ransomware in rapida crescita che continua a sviluppare nuove capacità, oltre a un forte aumento del volume di attacchi al settore sanitario.

La brevettata tecnologia RTDMI è più efficace che mai

Nel 2020, la tecnologia Real-Time Deep Memory InspectionTM (RTDMI) di SonicWall ha scoperto 268.362 varianti di malware ‘mai viste prima’, fino al 74% in più rispetto all’anno precedente. Oltre alla capacità essenziale di bloccare in tempo reale malware di massa sconosciuti, RTDMI consente di mitigare i devastanti attacchi al canale laterale, come l’attacco che sfrutta vulnerabilità dei chip M1 di Apple scoperta di recente.

Il malware IoT supera il 66%

Il numero di dispositivi IoT è in crescita da anni, ma la pandemia di COVID-19 ha accelerato questa tendenza, portando il numero di attacchi a 56,9 milioni – un aumento del 66% rispetto al 2019. Questo picco è stato ancora più consistente in Nord America, dove gli attacchi sono aumentati del 152%.

Il cryptojacking prosegue senza Coinhive

Bitcoin non è stata l’unica criptovaluta salita alle stelle nel 2020: anche i prezzi di Monero sono aumentati, portando il cryptojacking al livello più alto degli ultimi tre anni. Tuttavia, le previsioni sulla fine del cryptojacking non erano completamente sbagliate: il cryptojacking basato su browser ha mostrato un calo significativo, sebbene il numero di tentativi di cryptojacking basati su file sia ancora considerevole.

Aumentano i tentativi di intrusione, cambiano gli schemi di attacco

Nel 2020 i tentativi di intrusione hanno registrato un aumento generale del 112%, ma la natura di questi attacchi è cambiata. Gli attacchi Directory Traversal sono passati dal 21% al 34% del volume totale di tentativi maligni, mentre gli attacchi RCE hanno perso vigore, passando dal 21% al 16%.