Fake Order – Murlo.CBA Trojan (September 22, 2009)

New Trojan Murlo.CBA being spammed via fake email message pretending to contain postal parcel tracking number of an online order.

Google Groups controlled Trojan (Sep 18, 2009)

A new Trojan found in the wild that uses Google Groups newsgroups for control commands.

Apple QuickTime FlashPix Buffer Overflow (Sep 18, 2009)

The QuickTime multimedia player supports a wide range of media formats. It is capable of parsing and displaying images as well as audio and video files. One of the image file formats supported by QuickTime […]

MS Windows SMB Negotiate Request DoS (Sep 11, 2009)

Microsoft Windows operating systems ship with an implementation of the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol. SMB allows for sharing network devices and facilitates RPC among other functions. The service listens on TCP ports 139 and […]

Multiple Spam Waves – Bredolab.X (Sep 11, 2009)

Strong increase in Bredolab.X spam campaigns.

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