NetWare Portmapper Buffer Overflow (Oct 8, 2009)

PKERNEL.NLM module of Novell Netware is prone to buffer overflow vulnerability.

New botnet alert – Mariposa (Oct 6, 2009)

Mariposa botnet, identified in May 2009, is now found in 50 of Fortune 100 companies.

Fake Twitter spam – Merond Worm (Oct 2, 2009)

A new Merond worm variant is being spammed in the wild via fake Twitter invitation e-mail messages.

IBM Installation Manager Code Execution (Oct 2, 2009)

An argument injection vulnerability is found in IBM Installation Manager

Altiris Deployment Solution File Execution (Sept 23, 2009)

There is a remote file execution vulnerability found in Symantec Altiris Deployment Solution.

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