MS Windows Media Player Integer Overflow (Oct 23, 2009)

The Advanced Systems Format (ASF) is an extensible file format designed for storing and playing synchronized digital media streams. The ASF file is organized in multiple sections called objects. All ASF objects begin with a […]

Conflicker.B Infection Alert – New FakeAV variant (Oct 23, 2009)

New FakeAV Trojan variant being spammed via fake email message pretending to arrive from Microsoft Windows computer safety division.

Postcard spam – New FakeAV Trojan (Oct 16, 2009)

New FakeAV Trojan variant being spammed via fake email message pretending to arrive from

Google Apps URI Argument Injection (Oct 16, 2009)

Google Apps is prone to a vulnerability that lets attackers inject commands through “googleapps.url.mailto” handler.

Fake IRS Notice – New ZBot variant (Oct 09, 2009)

New ZBot Trojan variant being spammed via fake email message pretending to contain a notice from IRS.

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