Cybersecurity News & Trends – 04-17-20


This week, SonicWall brings Boundless Cybersecurity to the remote workforce; Emotet, Ryuk and Trickbot deliver a 1-2-3 punch; and hackers use Apple for phishing bait.

SonicWall Spotlight

SonicWall Introduces Boundless Cyber Security Platform – Information Age

  • Boundless Cybersecurity aims to address a growing cybersecurity business gap and the complexity of securing remote workers compared to those working at company headquarters.

SonicWall: More Than 21,500 SecureFirst Partners Worldwide – MSSP Alert

  • SonicWall adds 1,100 SecureFirst partner in February and unveils a Boundless Cybersecurity model to protect mobile and remote workers against cyberthreats.

How to protect yourself against online COVID-19 scammers – Security Watch Info

  • As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to dominate the news cycle, cybercriminals are capitalizing on fear, stress and people’s desire for answers to gain access to personal information.

Cybersecurity News

North Korea hacking threatens U.S., other countries, international financial system: U.S. State Department – Reuters

  • The FBI joined the U.S. Departments of State, Treasury and Homeland Security in issuing an advisory about North Korean cyberthreats, warning the financial sector is particularly at risk.

Czechs Warn Hackers Are Preparing Cyber Attacks on Hospitals – Bloomberg

  • According to the Czech National Cyber and Information Security Agency, a campaign of cyberattacks on the country’s hospitals is expected in the coming days, Bloomberg reports.

The Pentagon Hasn’t Fixed Basic Cybersecurity Blind Spots – Wired

  • Five years ago, the Department of Defense set dozens of security hygiene goals. A new report finds that it has abandoned or lost track of most of them.

FBI warns of ongoing COVID-19 scams targeting govt, health care – Bleeping Computer

  • The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation has warned government agencies and health care organizations of ongoing BEC schemes exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as an overall increase in cryptocurrency and health care fraud scam activity targeting consumers.

The secret behind “unkillable” Android backdoor called xHelper has been revealed – Ars Technica

Emotet, Ryuk, TrickBot: ‘Loader-Ransomware-Banker Trifecta’ – Bank Info Security

  • The “loader-ransomware-banker” trifecta—Emotet, Ryuk and Trickbot—is stronger than the sum of its parts, causing millions of dollars in damages over the past few years.

Someone is passing around Valorant beta keys that are actually malware – Cyberscoop

  • Gamers hoping to access a closed beta for the video game Valorant are receiving keylogger software instead, as hackers attempt to capitalize on the hype surrounding the upcoming Riot Games release.

Apple Is Top Pick for Brand Phishing Attempts – Dark Reading

  • Have you received a suspicious-looking email purporting to be from Apple? You aren’t alone—10% of all brand phishing attempts in the first quarter of 2020 used the Apple brand in an attempt to deceive recipients.

In Case You Missed It

Amber Wolff
Senior Digital Copywriter | SonicWall
Amber Wolff is the Senior Digital Copywriter for SonicWall. Prior to joining the SonicWall team, Amber was a cybersecurity blogger and content creator, covering a wide variety of products and topics surrounding enterprise security. She spent the earlier part of her career in advertising, where she wrote and edited for a number of national clients.