Airline Ticket Spam (Nov 14, 2008)

New Downloader Trojan being spammed in fake email message pretending to be arriving from Airline Ticket system.

MS08-069 MS XML Core Vulnerability (Nov 12, 2008)

An XSS information disclosure vulnerability in MS XML Core Services has been released on the lastest MS Patch Day.

Adobe Reader util.printf Buffer Overflow (Nov 7, 2008)

Buffer overflow in Javascript util.printf function of Adobe Reader could lead to code injection and execution

Obama Speech Trojan (Nov 5, 2008)

A new spam campaign follows the US presidential election pretending to offer a video of Obama’s speech.

WebLogic Apache Connector Vulnerability (Oct 30, 2008)

Stack-based buffer overflow in Oracle BEA WebLogic Server Apache Connector could lead to remote code execution.

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