MSN Messenger Trojan (May 01, 2009)

New MSN Messenger based Dropper Trojan variant in the wild

Symantec AMS2 Package Buffer Overflow (May 01, 2009)

A buffer-overflow vulnerability was found in Symantec Alert management System 2 (AMS2) Package.

Oracle DBMS_AQADM_SYS SQL Injection (April 23, 2009)

A SQL injection vulnerability is found in Oracle DBMS_AQADM_SYS package.

Oracle OPMN Format String Vulnerability (April 17, 2009)

The Oracle Application Server is a multi-platform application development and deployment system. With every installation of the Application Server comes the Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server (OPMN), which, among other tasks, manages the starting, […]

Waledac SMS Spy Trojan (April 16, 2009)

Waledac switched to using SMS Spy software trial theme: by pretending to offer software that allows the user to read other people’s SMS.

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