Apple QuickTime Movie Vulnerabilities (June 4, 2009)

Apple QuickTime media player movie file vulnerabilities summary

UPS Invoice spam – New ZBot (May 28, 2009)

New Zbot Trojan variant being spammed in fake email message pretending to contain a UPS invoice.

MS IIS WebDAV Information Disclosure (May 28, 2009)

A new Information Disclosure vulnerability was found in the WebDAV extension module of IIS product.

Zeus Trojan Family (May 26, 2009)

Zeus is a crimeware kit.

Oracle RollbackWorkspace SQL Injection (May 22, 2009)

The Oracle Database Server is an enterprise-level relational database application suite. To extend the functionality of the Oracle Database Server, extra packages are included in the suite such as procedures, constants, cursors, and exceptions, in […]

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