Are School-issued Mobile Devices Safe to Use on Off-campus Networks?

A few weeks ago my eldest son was given a Chromebook by his school which he brought to the house to do his homework. Before the Chromebook, he did his homework on the PC I […]

Three Core Network Security Tips From a K-12 IT Expert

Every moment of every day, anyone or any organization, government or institution – including K-12 – can fall victim to the latest threats and cyber-attacks. If you’re accountable for the network security of an entire […]

Are Campus Defenses Keeping Up with Attacks from the Cyber Netherworld?

I took a computer science minor when I was in college. Back then, the school computers were in a heavily secured section of one building, and we accessed them from teletype terminals and punch card […]

Higher Education Makes Cybersecurity a High Priority – Are You Prepared?

Digital natives predominantly compose the student body at today’s education institutions, and technological advancements have created unprecedented opportunities for personalized learning. BYOD and other emerging technologies have allowed school districts, colleges, and universities to become […]