How SonicWall Safeguards Today’s Classrooms

As with every other facet of our lives, technology has dramatically revolutionized the world of education. In particular, the how and where learning occurs has been rapidly transformed and these changes have only accelerated. While […]

Esports in Education: Why Security Should Come In First

In the days of Super Mario, the relationship between video games and school was anything but super. Shortly after early electronics allowed video games to jump from the TV into your hands, schools everywhere handed […]

Backup Best Practices To Help You Get Back Up and Running

Each year on March 31, we celebrate World Backup Day as a reminder of how priceless our data is. Whether you’re a big tech company with thousands of terabytes of invaluable data, or a parent […]

5 Strategies for Thoughtful K-12 Network Infrastructure Upgrades

Technology and education haven’t always gone hand in hand. Just a decade ago, many schools had completely banned technologies like smartphones, tablets, laptops and more. But the classrooms of 2024 have done a complete 180: […]

SonicWall Data Shows Attacks on Schools Skyrocketing

Threat actors increasingly targeted K-12 districts in 2022, resulting in triple-digit spikes in malware, ransomware, encrypted threats and IoT attacks. While K-12 schools had already been increasing their dependence on technology, the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated […]