Cybersecurity News & Trends – 03-20-20


This week, coronavirus changes the cybersecurity landscape, and SonicWall examines how to expand your remote workforce.

SonicWall Spotlight

How to Protect Your Business During a Global Health Crisis – SonicWall Blog

  • As the world works to stop the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), IT organizations everywhere are adjusting to the technology and security challenges faced due to the sudden need to support a fully remote workforce. SonicWall presents the best practices for expanding your remote workforce, securely.

Threats Across the World: Lessons from Three Years of Threat Reporting – CBR Online

  • SonicWall’s Terry-Grear King details the changing cyber threat landscape over the past three years, concluding that the only viable solution to ever changing threats is ever changing defensive measures and constant vigilance.

Here’s What to Look for in a Work-From-Home VPN – Fortune

  • SonicWall CEO Bill Conner talks to Fortune about the recent scramble for VPN offerings as they examine what to look for in a VPN if you need to work from home in the current climate.

Don’t Forget Viruses, the Computer Kind – The New Stack

  • With so much news airtime dedicated to the spread of coronavirus, New Stack reminds readers that viruses of the computer kind have not gone away, referring to malware figures from the SonicWall 2020 Cyber Threat Report to do so.

Review: Small Businesses Get Big Protection With SonicWall Cloud App Security Biz Tech Magazine

  • SonicWall’s Cloud App Security gets a spin by Biz Tech Magazine who consider it simple enough for non-tech pros to set up and use while also proactive in finding and preventing malware propagation across the cloud.

Cybersecurity News

Thousands of COVID-19 Scam and Malware Sites are Being Created on a Daily Basis – ZDNet

  • As several SonicWall SonicAlerts have detailed, cybercriminals have wasted no time in taking advantage of the COVID-19 crisis, creating thousands of scam and malware sites on a daily basis. According to one researcher 3,600 new domains that contain the “coronavirus” term were created between March 14 and March 18.

DDoS Attack Trends Reveal Stronger Shift to IoT, Mobile – Dark Reading

  • Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks remain a popular attack vector but new research is finding that that cybercriminals are increasingly turning to mobile and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to launch their campaigns. With the growth of 5G researchers anticipate attackers will continue to find ways to leverage the IoT to launch these attacks.

Senator Calls for Cybersecurity Review at Health Agencies After Hacking Incident – The Hill

  • Following an attempted hack of the Department of Health and Human Services, at a time when it is under great strain, Senator Michael Bennet of Colorado calls for health agencies to allow the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to complete a full cybersecurity review of their systems.

France Warns of new Ransomware Gang Targeting Local Governments – ZDNet

  • France’s cybersecurity agency, CERT, has issued an alert warning of a new active ransomware gang using a new version of the Mespinoza ransomware strain. The gang has been detected actively targeting local government systems, with the agency receiving reports of multiple infections.
And Finally

Skimming Code Battle on NutriBullet Website may Have Risked Customer Credit Card Data – ZDNet

  • A tough week around the world or not, nothing stops Magecart gangs from chalking up another victim, this time Nutribullet, who had the card skimming code on their website from mid-February until as late this week.

In Case You Missed It

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