Cyber Security News & Trends – 02-07-20


This week, the release of the 2020 SonicWall Cyber Threat Report!

SonicWall Spotlight

2020 SonicWall Cyber Threat Report: Threat Actors Pivot Toward More Targeted Attacks, Evasive Exploits – SonicWall Press Release

  • This week saw the release of the always anticipated yearly SonicWall Cyber Threat Report! Key takeaways include a drop in malware and ransomware attack volumes but an increase in more targeted attacks, a continued rise in encrypted attacks, and a massive fall in cryptojacking.

Inside Cybercriminal Inc.: SonicWall Exposes New Cyberattack Data, Threat Actor Behaviors in Latest Report  – Geoff Blaine

  • SonicWall Vice President of Marketing Geoff Blaine digs into the 2020 Cyber Threat Report, laying out and analyzing the data SonicWall’s Cyber Threat Team have found over the past year.

The CyberWire Daily Briefing – Cyberwire

Vulnerability in Linear eMerge Access Controllers Exploited in the Wild – SecurityWeek

  • SecurityWeek picks up on SonicWall’s recent SonicAlert about a known vulnerability in Nortek Security & Control’s Linear Emerge E3 Access Controller actively being exploited. Despite this vulnerability being raised a year ago and considered critical, no fix has yet been implemented.

Cybersecurity News

Kobe Bryant Wallpaper Shows how Hackers Exploit Mourning Fans for Cryptocurrency Mining – The Independent (UK)

  • Cybercriminals have been detected attempting to profit from the death of Kobe Bryant by hiding malware within downloadable wallpapers of the basketball star.

Internet of Things: Smart Cities Pick Up the PaceFinancial Times

  • As 5G and the Internet of Things go from a future development to a reality, so do smart cities. The Financial Times investigates where smart cites are right now, how deep 5G and IoT penetration currently goes and what they are likely to look like in the future, including the prediction that up to 30% of smart city programs will be abandoned by 2023.

Magecart Group Jumps from Olympic Ticket Website to new Wave of E-Commerce Shops – ZDNet

  • Despite recent arrests of a major magecart group, a new wave of the malware has been detected spreading across a Russian hosting provider using a Chinese domain registrar, who suspended the domain when the malware was reported.

Watch Out for Coronavirus Phishing Scams – Wired

  • A number of phishing scams have been detected where attackers disseminate malicious links and PDFs that claim to contain information on how to protect yourself from the spread of the Coronavirus. SonicWall’s Cyber Threat team have also detected malicious executables being spread using fears of the virus as bait.

Feds are Lining up More Indictments Related to Chinese Cyber-Activity, Officials say – Cyberscoop

  • U.S. prosecutors are preparing to issue new charges against Chinese nationals related to alleged hacking and insider threats at U.S. organizations. U.S. officials have repeatedly accused China of breaking a 2015 agreement not to conduct “cyber-enabled” intellectual property theft and have ramped up pressure by announcing criminal charges against Chinese nationals. Strain over Huawei and the nascent 5G network may bring the whole thing to a head.

In Case You Missed It

SonicWall Staff