
Microsoft Security Bulletin Coverage (Dec 10, 2013)

Dell SonicWALL has analyzed and addressed Microsoft’s security advisories for the month of December, 2013. A list of issues reported, along with Dell SonicWALL coverage information follows:

MS13-096 Vulnerability in Microsoft Graphics Component Could allow Remote Code Execution (2908005)

  • CVE-2013-3906 Microsoft Graphics Component Memory Corruption Vulnerability
    GAV: 26249 Malformed.docx.MP.1
    GAV: 26255 Malformed.tif.MP.3
    GAV: 26278 Malformed.docx.MP.2
    GAV: 26311 CVE-2013-3906

MS13-097 Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (2898785)

  • CVE-2013-5045 Internet Explorer Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability
    There are no known exploits in the wild.
  • CVE-2013-5046 Internet Explorer Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability
    There are no known exploits in the wild.
  • CVE-2013-5047 Internet Explorer Memory Corruption Vulnerability
    IPS: 9372 Windows IE Memory Corruption Vulnerability (MS13-097) 1
  • CVE-2013-5048 Internet Explorer Memory Corruption Vulnerability
    IPS: 9385 Windows IE Memory Corruption Vulnerability (MS13-097) 2
  • CVE-2013-5049 Internet Explorer Memory Corruption Vulnerability
    IPS: 9393 Windows IE Memory Corruption Vulnerability (MS13-097) 3
  • CVE-2013-5051 Internet Explorer Memory Corruption Vulnerability
    IPS: 9420 Windows IE Memory Corruption Vulnerability (MS13-097) 4
  • CVE-2013-5052 Internet Explorer Memory Corruption Vulnerability
    IPS: 9431 Windows IE Memory Corruption Vulnerability (MS13-097) 5

MS13-098 Vulnerability in Windows Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2893294)

  • CVE-2013-3900 WinVerifyTrust Signature Validation Vulnerability
    IPS: 4773 Suspicious HTTP Authorization Header 6
    SPY: 4706 IsFreemium

MS13-099 Vulnerability in Microsoft Scripting Runtime Object Library Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2909158)

  • CVE-2013-5056 Use-After-Free Vulnerability in Microsoft Scripting Runtime Object Library
    IPS: 9436 Microsoft Scripting Object Use After Free

MS13-105 Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange Server Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2915705)

  • CVE-2013-1330 MAC Disabled Vulnerability
    There are no known exploits in the wild.
  • CVE-2013-5072 OWA XSS Vulnerability
    There are no known exploits in the wild.
  • CVE-2013-5763 Oracle Outside In Contains Multiple Exploitable Vulnerabilities
    There are no known exploits in the wild.
  • CVE-2013-5791 Oracle Outside In Contains Multiple Exploitable Vulnerabilities
    There are no known exploits in the wild.

MS13-100 Vulnerabilities in Microsoft SharePoint Server Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2904244)

  • CVE-2013-5059 SharePoint Page Content Vulnerabilities
    There are no known exploits in the wild.

MS13-101 Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers Could Allow Elevation of Privilege (2880430)

  • CVE-2013-3899 Win32k Memory Corruption Vulnerability
    There are no known exploits in the wild.
  • CVE-2013-3902 Win32k Use After Free Vulnerability
    There are no known exploits in the wild.
  • CVE-2013-3903 TrueType Font Parsing Vulnerability
    There are no known exploits in the wild.
  • CVE-2013-3907 Port-Class Driver Double Fetch Vulnerability
    There are no known exploits in the wild.
  • CVE-2013-5058 Win32k Integer Overflow Vulnerability
    There are no known exploits in the wild.

MS13-102 Vulnerability in LRPC Client Could Allow Elevation of Privilege (2898715)

  • CVE-2013-3878 LRPC Client Buffer Overrun Vulnerability
    There are no known exploits in the wild.

MS13-103 Vulnerability in ASP.NET SignalR Could Allow Elevation of Privilege (2905244)

  • CVE-2013-5042 SignalR XSS Vulnerability
    There are no known exploits in the wild.

MS13-104 Vulnerability in Microsoft Office Could Allow Information Disclosure (2909976)

  • CVE-2013-5054 Token Hijacking Vulnerability
    There are no known exploits in the wild.

MS13-106 Vulnerability in a Microsoft Office Shared Component Could Allow Security Feature Bypass (2905238)

  • CVE-2013-5057 HXDS ASLR Vulnerability
    There are no known exploits in the wild.

Microsoft out-of-band Security Advisory for Graphics Component (Nov 5, 2013)

Microsoft has released an out-of-band bulletin Microsoft Security Advisory (2896666) on Nov 5, 2013 that addresses a vulnerability in Microsoft Graphics Component. This vulnerability affects Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office and Microsoft Lync. The Graphics component improperly handles specially crafted TIFF images. These images can be embedded in malicious documents and thus can be served via both email or web allowing attackers to achieve remote code execution. Microsoft reports there are known targeted attacks that exploit Microsoft Office.

This vulnerability has been referred by CVE as CVE-2013-3906.

Dell SonicWALL threat team researched this vulnerability the same day and created following GAV signatures to cover the attack.

  • GAV: 26249 Malformed.docx.MP.1
  • GAV: 26255 Malformed.tif.MP.3
  • GAV: 26278 Malformed.docx.MP.2
  • GAV: 26311 CVE-2013-3906
  • GAV: 26320 Sisproc.A_6
  • GAV: 26388 Agent.OGZ_2
  • GAV: 26391 Delf.PNS
  • GAV: 26394 Webclient.A
  • GAV: 26396 Spy.MT
  • GAV: 26399 KeyLogger.AHKO
  • GAV: 26401 Zbot.VFO
  • GAV: 26404 VB.NYJ
  • SPY: 4732 Malformed-File doc.MP.6

For the Microsoft vulnerabilities covered by SonicWALL, please refer to SonicWALL MAPP for details.