SQL Injection Attack Wave (Aug 1, 2008)

This article introduces the recent SQL Injection Attacks and The related IPS signatures created by SonicWALL team.

New F.B.I. vs Facebook Storm Wave (July 31, 2008)

New storm wave campaign uses fake messages involving the FBI and Facebook.

New Amero Storm Wave (July 22, 2008)

New spammed wave of Storm e-mails was discovered in the wild on July 21, 2008

Java Web Start Vulnerability (July 25, 2008)

There exists a stack based buffer overflow vulnerability in Sun Java Web Start. The vulnerability has been assigned CVE-2008-3111.

Fake anti-spyware Antivirus 2009 (July 18, 2008)

Scammers released a new new bogus scanner: Antivirus 2009

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