Oracle Secure Backup uname Vulnerability (Jan 23, 2009)

The Oracle Secure Backup product is a centralized tape backup management solution. The server acts as a management host for network connected storage devices as well as multi-platform distributed hosts. Communication between the server and […]

New Waledac Trojan (Jan 23, 2009)

New Waledac Trojan being spammed in the wild using the love theme, three weeks before the valentine’s day.

Northwest Airlines spam (Jan 12, 2009)

New Trojan being spammed in fake email message pretending to be arriving from Northwest Airlines Ticket system.

Oracle TimesTen Format String Flaw (Jan 16, 2009)

The TimesTen In-Memory Database product from Oracle is used for real-time data management in performance-critical environments. Amongst other applications, it can be used as a high performance cache for an Oracle Database. The product includes […]

YouTube Messaging used to spread Trojan (Jan 09, 2009)

New Renos Trojan being spammed via YouTube Messaging service.

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