New Adobe 0-day exploit (Dec 16, 2009)

New Adobe 0-day vulnerability being exploited in the wild via specially crafted PDF files.

Christmas themed Koobface breaks CAPTCHAs (Dec 11, 2009)

A new variant of Koobface worm was found in the wild. This time around the fake video poses as a message from Santa.

MS IE Uninitialized DOM Memory Corruption (Dec 11, 2009)

Microsoft Internet Explorer version 8, the latest version to date, contains a memory corruption vulnerability. The flaw exists due to an inproper handling of script modified DOM structures. DOM defines an object oriented structure of […]

Adobe Illustrator EPS/DSC Comment BO (Dec 04, 2009)

The Adobe Illustrator is a comprehensive vector graphics environment. It supports numerous vector file formats such as CDR, PDF, and PS/EPS, among others. PostScript (PS) is a programming language that is mostly utilized as a […]

Fake CDC H1N1 program – New ZBot variant (Dec 01, 2009)

New ZBot Trojan variant being spammed via fake email message pretending to arrive from U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) regarding H1N1 program.

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