Adobe Flash Player Zero Day exploit (Jun 8, 2010)

Zero-Day exploit for critical vulnerability in Adobe Flash player spotted in wild.

Protection Center – Rogue AV (June 4, 2010)

A new Rogue AV – Protection Center being spammed in the wild.

Desktop Security 2010 – Rogue AV (May 6, 2010)

A new Rogue AV – Desktop Security 2010 spotted in the wild.

OPIE Off-by-one Stack Buffer Overflow (June 3, 2010)

A buffer-overflow vulnerability is found in “One time Passwords In Everything” (OPIE)

Adobe Photoshop ABR BO (May 28, 2010)

Adobe Photoshop is a multi-platform graphics editor developed and published by Adobe Systems. Adobe Photoshop is capable of handling numerous types of image file formats. One of the formats it can handle is ABR. ABR […]

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