Rise in Zeus spam campaigns (July 30, 2010)

Rise in Zeus spam campaigns in last 24 hours

Apache Struts2 Remote Command Execution (July 29, 2010)

Vulnerability in Apache Struts2 could lead to arbitrary command execution

Ipswitch IMail Server Reply-To BO (July 26, 2010)

The Ipswitch IMail Server is a mail server geared towards medium to large size organizations. It implements the POP3, IMAP4, and SMTP protocols. The SMTP server module is installed and started in a default installation. […]

Prolaco Worm Spreading in the Wild (July 23, 2010)

New variant of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Worm Prolaco spreading in the wild.

MS Outlook ATTACH_BY_REFERENCE (July 16, 2010)

Microsoft Outlook email client is an implementation of all popular email protocols such as SMTP, POP3 and IMAP, as well as Microsoft’s own proprietary standards. Attachments, rich text or HTML emails are transferred between email […]

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