New GPU Bitcoin Miner Trojan spotted in the wild (Oct 6, 2011)

New GPU based Bitcoin Trojan creates pool of miners to generate bitcoins.

Apache HTTPD mod_proxy_ajp DoS (Sep 30, 2011)

The Apache HTTP server is the most popular web server used on the Internet. The server comes bundled with optional plug-in modules which are loaded at run-time to extend its functionality. Two technologies supported by […]

MAC OSX Flashback Backdoor Trojan (Sep 29, 2011)

Flashback Backdoor Trojan masquerades as Adobe flash player installer

Microsoft SharePoint XML File Disclosure (Sept 23, 2011)

Microsoft SharePoint Server is an ASP.NET product intended for collaboration, file sharing, web publishing and other social networking functions. The server runs on the Microsoft IIS web server. SharePoint farms host web sites, intranets, extranets, […]

Fake AV spreading via Skype VOIP calls (Sep 20, 2011)

Fake AV authors targets Skype users via automated VOIP calls.

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