LALALA InfoStealer which comes with Batch and PowerShell scripting combo


Malware authors are using simple but very effective approaches to stay low and steal user’s data. SonicWall RTDMI ™ engine has recently detected Windows shortcut file (LNK) inside an ISO image which downloads and executes LALALA infostealer to the victim’s machine. LALALA infostealer is a batch script, which takes help of PowerShell to steal and send victim’s data to the server:


The LNK file copies itself to “%TEMP%\ htn90.bat” and executes the batch script file. The malware is intended to run only once on the victim’s machine. The batch script checks presence of “%TEMP%\htn.txt” file, if already present then the batch script terminates and deletes itself. The batch script writes “htn” into “%TEMP%\htn.txt”. The batch script downloads an archive file “%TEMP%\htn.rar” and a WinRAR (compression tool) executable file “%TEMP%\rar.exe” from Unified Resource Locator (URL) h[t][t]p://[filename].

The batch script extracts LALALA infostealer “htn.bat”, an image file “lebenslauf_2019_11_20.jpeg” and an executable “sqlite3.exe” from “%TEMP%\htn.rar” using WinRAR executable:


The batch script displays “lebenslauf_2019_11_20.jpeg” image to the user which contains “ERROR 0x89976 IMAGE BROKEN” message, to make him feel that the LNK file has some issues. The batch script then executes LALALA infostealer “%TEMP%\htn.bat”:

LALALA InfoStealer:

The malware creates directory “%TEMP%\jjghgjhfyt6”  to store the stolen data. The malware uses PowerShell command to collect and save installed programs information into “%TEMP%\jjghgjhfyt6\proglist.txt”:



The malware opens a backdoor to the malware author by scheduling a task which executes the VBScript “%TEMP%\[random].vbs” every minute. The VBScript takes web request result from “” as an argument and it contains the code to execute the argument:



The malware usually process the data on victim’s machine to extract very precise information which is sent to the malware server. But LALALA sends good amount of data to the server which needs further processing at server’s end to extract the operative data. The malware decrypts some application’s data (eg. Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge) on victim’s machine which uses Windows logon based encryption because that data can not be decrypted on the other machine.

The malware steals login information from listed applications:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Thunderbird
  • Microsoft Outlook

The malware copies Chrome data files “cookies”, “Login Data” and “Web Data” from “%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default” to “%TEMP%\jjghgjhfyt6\”. The malware decrypts and saves card details, cookies and passwords into “%TEMP%\jjghgjhfyt6\”:


The malware copies data files from Mozilla Thunderbird and Mozilla Firefox to “%TEMP%\jjghgjhfyt6”:


The malware terminates “taskhost” and “dllhost” processes, then it decrypts and saves login passwords from Microsoft Edge into “%TEMP%\jjghgjhfyt6\edg_[randome]”:


The malware decrypts and saves Outlook data into %TEMP%\jjghgjhfyt6\outloo_[random]:



The malware compresses stolen data using WinRAR executable into “%TEMP%\[random].rar” and sends the compressed file to “”. The malware deletes the stolen data files and malware component files except “%TEMP%\htn.txt”:


The file is detected by only a few security vendors on popular threat intelligence sharing portal VirusTotal at the time of writing this blog indicates its spreading potential:


Evidence of the detection by RTDMI ™ engine can be seen below in the Capture ATP report for this file:



Security News
The SonicWall Capture Labs Threat Research Team gathers, analyzes and vets cross-vector threat information from the SonicWall Capture Threat network, consisting of global devices and resources, including more than 1 million security sensors in nearly 200 countries and territories. The research team identifies, analyzes, and mitigates critical vulnerabilities and malware daily through in-depth research, which drives protection for all SonicWall customers. In addition to safeguarding networks globally, the research team supports the larger threat intelligence community by releasing weekly deep technical analyses of the most critical threats to small businesses, providing critical knowledge that defenders need to protect their networks.