
JBOSS Marshalled Object Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (November 27, 2013)

Dell Sonicwall Threats Research team has addressed a remote code execution Vulnerability which affects components containing vulnerable JBoss.
Wildfly, initially known as JBoss is a Java based Application Server which is currently managed by RedHat.
JBoss also features an embedded Apache Tomcat servlet container.
This vulnerability has been assigned (CVE-2013-4810).

There also has been an (Exploit) published which employs this vulnerability.
We also observed attacks actively utilizing this vulnerability while blocking these attempts at the same time.

Here are a few details.

Following servlets, EJBInvokerServlet and JMXInvokerServlet allow Remote Method Invocation over HTTP which are also the culprits that cause this vulnerability.

Here we can see how Marshalled Object is constructed followed by the post request.

The request contains url for JSP file which gets deployed.

The JSP file contains shell which can be used remotely after successful deployment.

We can see get request connecting to the deployed JSP.

The following signature detects the vulnerability exploit.

  • IPS 5026 JBoss Marshalled Object Remote Code Execution