This week, the SonicWall Capture Labs threat research team investigated a sample of the RemcosRAT that uses a PrivateLoader module to provide additional data and persistence on the victim’s machine. By installing VB scripts, altering the registry and setting up services to restart the malware at variable times or by control, this malware is able to infiltrate a system completely and remain undetected.
The sample is detected as a 32-bit PE file with no packer or protector.
Figure 1: Initial detection
When looking into the sections and API calls of the file, different tools give different reports. Detect It Easy shows API calls that have been cleared (to obfuscate what they’re doing), and TLS (Thread Local Storage) functionality, meaning that malicious code can be prepared or run before the main file has started at its entry point. PEStudio, however, shows all available API calls but no TLS functionality.
Figure 2: Every call from ws2_32.dll has been obfuscated
Figure 3: A separate tool shows all hidden calls
Once functions are properly labeled, the file is shown to have the following capabilities:
Runtime shows that if security checks are not initially cleared by modules within ntdll.dll, the main portion of the executable will not be touched before it exits. No files are dropped, and nothing is injected into memory.
Figure 4: Beginning of the security check function
Once security has been passed, which consists of VM, locale, timezone and analysis tool enumeration, two files are dropped.
Notepads.exe is a copy of the parent executable placed for persistence. The script contains the following four lines and is deleted once executed – there is no check on whether or not this action is successful. The script will simply delete itself if it is run before ‘notepads.exe’ is dropped.
Figure 5: Install.vbs contents
User security access is then checked. If applicable, Windows User Access Control is disabled with the following command to allow for privileged access:
/k %windir%\System32\reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
Figure 6: UAC is disabled
At this point, the system is enumerated fully and hooks are implemented to track keystrokes, mouse actions, audio and screen grabs. Targeted software includes browsers by searching the following locations for logins and cookie data, as well as the clipboard data being pulled:
\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Login Data
\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cookies
\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders
\Opera Software\Opera Stable\
\User Data\Default\Network\Cookies
This information is stored in ‘logins.json’ and ‘key3.db’, also seen in the screenshot below.
Figure 7: Browser paths and storage files
Once complete, ‘notepads.exe’ will open a socket on the system and reach out to two URLs. The first is a GET request to geoplugin(dot)net/, which returns geographic information pertaining to the victim’s IP address. The second is to Once a connection is made, a config file is created and sent to the server. Here is the configuration observed during runtime:
"Host:Port:Password": "",
"Assigned name": "Nuevos",
"Connect interval": "1",
"Install flag": "Enable",
"Setup HKCU\Run": "Enable",
"Setup HKLM\Run": "Enable",
"Install path": "AppData",
"Copy file": "notepads.exe",
"Startup value": "system32",
"Hide file": "Disable",
"Mutex": "Rmc-WRNU47",
"Keylog flag": "1",
"Keylog path": "Application path",
"Keylog file": "logs.dat",
"Keylog crypt": "Disable",
"Hide keylog file": "Disable",
"Screenshot flag": "Disable",
"Screenshot time": "10",
"Take Screenshot option": "Disable",
"Take screenshot title": "",
"Take screenshot time": "5",
"Screenshot path": "AppData",
"Screenshot file": "Screenshots",
"Screenshot crypt": "Disable",
"Mouse option": "Disable",
"Delete file": "Disable",
"Audio record time": "5"
At this point the C2 has assumed control and can remotely stop, start and engage further monitoring or file downloads for other functionality.
To ensure SonicWall customers are prepared for any exploitation that may occur due to this malware, the following signatures have been released:
Parent sample / Notepads.exe: 27bb3968cc18fb0df5b14e6d1b805552
Install.vbs: a7fe45cc57afb3dba91ab77483fffa0a
Mutex Created
IP Addresses
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