SonicWall Capture Labs threat research team has observed an updated variant of StrelaStealer. StrelaStealer is an infostealer malware known for targeting Spanish-speaking users and focuses on stealing email account credentials from Outlook and Thunderbird. StrelaStealer was reported in the wild in early November 2022. StrelaStealer has been updated with an obfuscation technique and anti-analysis technique.
Technical Analysis
MD5: 1E37C3902284DD865C20220A9EF8B6A9
SHA256: F2D7CF39392D394D6CCD0F9372DB7D486D4CB2BB6C3BBFD0D8BFBB6117A5E211
This updated version of malware delivered via JavaScript comes in archive files as attachments in emails. The initial vector is JavaScript which will drop the 64-bit executable file in the %userprofile% folder and execute the malware process. We have observed that StrelaStealer is being delivered as a 64-bit exe as well as a DLL via JavaScript. We are explaining the analysis for the 64-bit executable in this blog. This 64-bit executable is a wrapper that will act as a loader for the actual payload.
In the main 64-bit executable file, the data section has an encryption key, and the size of the encryption key is 0x2714 bytes. The encoded payload is embedded in the data section at the end of the encryption key. The size of the payload is 0x1C600. A single-byte XOR encryption is performed to decrypt an encoded PE file from the data section.
Figure 1: Encryption key started from 0x10th offset in the data section
Figure 2: Obfuscated Jumps
Figure 3: Graph view for obfuscated function
Figure 4: Another graph view of the obfuscated function
Figure 5: PEB parsing code fragments inside the jump code block
This obfuscation is quite effective. Anti-analysis techniques delay the execution, and the researcher has to search the code fragments inside the jump blocks, which is a tedious task.
Along with jump blocks and multiple loops, there are multiple dummy functions that are not doing anything but wasting time while analyzing the sample.
Figure 6: Dummy functions inside nested Jumps
Figure 7: Dummy functions
Figure 8: XOR decryption to decrypt the encoded payload
Once it decrypts the payload, it reads the encoded API string array at the end of the encoded payload embedded in the data section. Within the payload, the first DWORD is the size of the array and next is the API function array. This array is of size 0x52 bytes and the encryption key used earlier to decrypt the payload will also be used to decrypt the API array. The only difference between the decryption of the payload and the array is malware uses an encryption key of size 0x52 bytes from the 4th offset of encryption key.
Figure 9: Encoded API array
Figure 10: Malware calculates the start offset of the encoded API string and starts decrypting it
Figure 11: API array after an XOR decryption
It accesses the PEB structure and parses it to get the list of loaded modules in process memory.
The following is an example of the instructions set to parse the PEB.
Figure 11B: Instructions
Here InLoadOrderModuleList is a doubly-linked list that contains the loaded modules for the process.
The malware parses this “InLoadOrderModuleList” to get the Imagebase address of kernel32.dll with the goal of resolving the VirutalAlloc API Then the malware will parse the PE structure of kernel32.dll to get the name of each exported function and matches them with the API string that got decrypted earlier in 0x52 byte array. If the API name matches the exported function name, then the malware will read the associated function RVA from the export directory and add it to the Imagebase of kernel32.dll,. Using this method, the malware resolves each API dynamically. It will resolve 4 APIs - here VirtualAlloc, LoadLibraryA , GetProcAddress , and MessageBoxTimeoutA. Once its finished resolving the APIs, the malware will show the error massage box and then continue execution.
Now, the malware calls the “VirtualAlloc” API to allocate memory in the process and start its task as loader to load the actual payload.
Figure 12: Configuration setting for the payload
The injected payload is 64-bit executable file, it will call the “GetKeyboardLayout” API and check the lower words of the return value with the hardcoded values in binary. It tries to check if the keyboard layout is from the following countries. If it is, then the malware will continue its execution, otherwise it terminates itself.
Language | Location (or type) | Language ID |
German | Germany | 0x0407 |
Spanish | Spain | 0x040A |
Spanish | Spain | 0x0C0A |
Catalan | Spain | 0x0403 |
Basque | Spain | 0x042D |
Italian | Italy | 0x0410 |
Polish | Poland | 0x0415 |
Figure 13: Call to the “GetKeyboardLayout” API and check language identifiers
Now, the payload retrieves the computer name by calling the “GetComputerNameA” API and encrypts the first 4 bytes of the computer name string using single byte XOR encryption. The encryption key is “MIR24”, which is hardcoded in binary. It will create a Mutex with the name of this partially encrypted computer name string. If a Mutex already exists, it will terminate it.
Figure 14: Creating a Mutex and executing its core functionality to steal data from the infected machine
As we can see in Figure 14, it will execute the function which will steal confidential data from the infected machine.
Here, we have found two functions in the malware. The first is used to steal data from Mozilla Thunderbird, which is a free and open-source email client software. The other function is intended to steal data from Outlook.
All of your data such as messages, passwords and user preferences as well as changes made while you use Thunderbird are stored in a special folder called profile.
http[:]//45[.]9[.]74.12/server.php .
Figure 15: Searches for the “logins.json” and “key4.db” files from the profile folder
Figure 16: StrelaStealer is expecting the response from its server
We have analysed the second function statically where it reads the windows registry key, enumerates data from it and tries to locate the 'IMAP User', 'IMAP Server' and 'IMAP Password' values.
The IMAP Password contains the user password in encrypted form. The malware will call the Windows “CryptUnprotectData” API to decrypt it.
The following registry key is enumerated to steal Outlook data:
Figure 17: Outlook registry key would have been enumerated to steal data from the infected machine
Figure 18: Network communication with server
The archive file cannot be found in any of the popular threat intelligence sharing portals like VirusTotal at the time of writing this blog.
Figure 19: File is not available on VirusTotal
This threat is detected by SonicWall Capture ATP w/RTDMI . Evidence of the detection by our RTDMI engine can be seen below in the Capture ATP report for this file.
Figure 20: Capture report
Archive file
MD5: ca4797bf995c91864c8b290ebd4e1c7b
SHA256: 74f21472fed71aaccbd60b34615a8390725cbab6cb25bbc6a51bd723ff8bd01a
JavaScript (Initial vector)
Md5 : C235CE3765F9B1606BDA81E96B71C23B
SHA256 : E083662C896C47064FD47411D47459BF4B1CB26847B5D26AEDD7F9D701CABD43
Main 64-bit executable file
MD5 : 1E37C3902284DD865C20220A9EF8B6A9
SHA256 : F2D7CF39392D394D6CCD0F9372DB7D486D4CB2BB6C3BBFD0D8BFBB6117A5E211
Injected 64-bit Payload
MD5 : 95F51B48FB079ED4E5F3499D45B7F14E
SHA256 : C02BB26582576261645271763A17DE925C2D90D430E723204BAEC82030DC889A
Server IP : “45[.]9.74[.]12”
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